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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721



Hoehnea  2012 

Geofungos no Córrego do Sapateiro, Parque Municipal do Ibirapuera, S?o Paulo, SP, Brasil

DOI: 10.1590/S2236-89062012000200008

Keywords: diversity, flotation, geofungi, urban waters.

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water samples (50 ml) at 10 cm depth were collected from two sites (1 and 2), before and after flotation water treatment, during the rainy hot season (january, february, and march) and the dry cold season (june, july, and august) of 2008 in córrego do sapateiro at the parque municipal do ibirapuera, s?o paulo, s?o paulo state brazil. temperature, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, and ph of the water were measured with a u10 horiba equipment. total and fecal coliforms were analyzed with an aquatest? kit. aliquots of 1 ml from each water sample were inoculated on potato-dextrose agar medium, totalizing 10 petri dishes for each collection site. colonies were quantified after incubation for 10 days at 22 oc and then purified for identification. water abiotic parameters did not limit the development of geofungi; however, they were influenced by the flotation treatment. fecal and total number of coliforms were predominantly higher than 8 nmp dl-1 during the studied periods at the two sites. twenty-seven fungal taxa, distributed in 136 occurences were obtained. according to s?rensen similarity index, the mycobiota of the two simpled sites were considerably different, despite the resemblance between the number of taxa and occurrences. the results indicate that treatment of water from córrego do sapateiro flotation system possibly causes changes in taxonomic composition and quantity of fungi cfu, whereas the total and fecal coliform results were less conclusive.


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