CARACTERIZACIóN QUíMICA DE LA MATERIA ORGáNICA NATURAL DEL RíO PASTOKeywords: nom, thermochemolysis-gc-ms, field flow fractionation, pastoás river. Abstract: this work shows the more relevant issue related with the first chemical caracterization of natural organic matter of pasto river. modern instrumental analysis techniques such as thermochemolysis-gc-ms; field flow fractionation chromatography and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry icp-ms were necessary. the results showed that the main composition of this matter were organic compounds such as carboxylic acids, aromatic compounds with molecular mass around 5 kda the presence of iron and chromium ions are signs of a possible contribution of pyrite-rich volcanic soils of the area and some effluent discharged without control of the small artesanal leather industry respectively.