Pacto pela saúde no Brasil: uma análise descritiva da progress?o dos indicadores de saúde bucalDOI: 10.1590/S1807-25772012000500002 Keywords: public health, health status indicators, health services research, oral health. Abstract: introduction: since the implementation of the health care system (sus) in brazil, many and constants are the attempts to extend the tactics which induce the optimization of the health public service. in this perspective of strategic progress about the actions and health public service in brazil, it′s released the pact for health - consolidations of sus and approve the operational guidelines attached to it. objective: to analyze and interpret the temporal evolution of oral health indicators, consolidated into the pact for health considering the five major brazilian regions. method: the analysis description of data collected on the banks of the unified health system (datasus) from 2008 to 2010, was realized, through oral health indicators like the indicator 41 - population estimated coverage of oral health teams in the family health strategy and indicator 42 - average of the collective action supervised brushing, available in the pact. result: the 41 indicator showed a gradual development over the period studied, although slow and uneven among the brazilian regions. with regard to the indicator 42, it`s shown oscillations in their benchmarks during the period analyzed, as well as the disparate regions analyzed. conclusion: many are the reasons that may lead to understanding these results, as the profile of the public health provision and population size of the municipalities that make up the different regions are still aspects that relate to the fragility of the public management and the lack of human resources policy.