La zaranda de ideas 2010
Aproximaciones al estudio de las prácticas mortuorias de las sociedades cazadoras-recolectoras del humedal del ParanáKeywords: cerro lutz, inferior parana wetlands, mortuary practices, primary and secondary burials, hunter-gatherers. Abstract: the cerro lutz archaeological site, located in the flood plains of southeast of entre ríos, evidences a detailed mortuary record of hunter-gatherer societies of the area. there were found primary and secondary burials in different positions and orientations, differences related to sex and age categories, a continued use of space as a cemetery and an organized distribution of burials. these characteristics classify cerro lutz as a typical formal disposal area, which importance lies in the variety of mortuary practices registered. this work, together with others recently published, reinitiates the systematic analyses of mortuary behaviors in the area