Luna Azul 2011
NI?EZ E INTERPRETACIóN AMBIENTAL EN EL PROYECTO JARDíN BOTáNICO DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL CAUCA áLVARO JOSé NEGRET (UCAJN)Keywords: environmental interpretation, conceptual maps, meaningful learning, botanical garden, cauca. Abstract: the qualitative evaluation by means of the conceptual maps technique carried out in the ucajn botanical garden space with a group of fourth and fifth grade children from the educational institutions north commercial chaux francisco josé ferrer (cnfjcf) of la rejoya and rafael pombo (rp) in the city of popayán through three consecutive phases (exploration, validation and implementation), allowed to demonstrate an increasingly significant learning process reflected in the gradual assimilation of concepts, both in the structure of conceptual maps and the acquisition of ethical and environmental values (aesthetic, ecological, economic, humanistic, moral, recreational, and scientific) towards the environment. throughout the investigation, this progression led to the structure of an environmental interpretation talk model for school children and then to support the environmental interpretation plan for the ucajn botanical garden project.