Implementación de un sistema DIL/METPC con Labview para ensayos a transformadoresKeywords: embedded systems, gnu/linux controller, transformers test. Abstract: this paper presents the design and validation for operation of an automatic measurement system for the laboratory of distribution transformers of the cipel. the system makes the test for no-load looses and excitement current, load losses and impedance voltage; and temperature rise according to the ieee std c57.12.90tm-2006 standard. a data acquisition system based on the dil/netpc dnp/1110 manages the sampling and control tasks; lead by three programs written in labview. the results are processed and shown for each one of the tests. a core controller of gnu/linux joint to an application in user area allows to obtain a sampling frequency of 20.22 khz, according to the performance of the system hardware. the transfer of information between the embedded system and the lead programs is accomplished through a connection with socket tcp/ip.