Andes 2011
?Poder local versus poder real? Conflictos entre el Cabildo de Córdoba y el Gobernador don Joaquín Espinosa y DávalosKeywords: royal officer, conflict, networks, cabildo elections. Abstract: the aim of the present work is to analyze the mechanisms of the colonial administration in a fundamental moment of the political life in the colonial cities, in which the continuation or replacement of the governing elite were dealt with: elections in the cabildo. we propose to study the confrontation arisen because of the elections in the cabildo held in 1772 in cordoba, between the governor joaquín espinosa and the cabildantes of the city. this conflict will allow us to present the relations established by the governor in the local society. on the one hand, negotiation relationships that will permit us to analyze the action of a royal officer who was governing in representation the crown, among other things, by means of relationship networks. on the other one, the causes of his confrontation with the groups that did not support these networks, situation that cannot be avoided in politics, that always leads to a permanent struggle.