?UN ETNOGRáFO ENTRE LOS ARCHIVOS? PROPUESTAS PARA UNA ESPECIALIZACIóN DE CONVENIENCIAKeywords: ethnography, archives, methodology, interdisciplinarity, epistemology. Abstract: this article provides a reflection on the idea of a "ethnography of/in the archives". the first part is a critique both of disciplinary separations between anthropology and history and of certain conceptions of interdisciplinarity as an "alliance of disciplines". in the second part, the author formulates an alternative proposal. on the one hand, he defends a unified vision of the social sciences, and, on the other, he advocates for the creation of a specialized "workspace", based on the implementation of the methodological program of ethnography in historical grounds. rather than talking about the confrontation between two disciplines, the authors insist on the relationships between two levels: 1) an object (the past), often believed to be the "property" of historians, but which is really a common patrimony of all social scientists. 2) a technique (the ethnography), sometimes presented as specific to anthropology, but which is important for all the social sciences.