Análise Psicológica 2010
A importancia do livro Psicologia Pedagógica para a teoria histórico-cultural de VigotskiKeywords: educational psychology, historical-cultural theory, psychology and dialetic, psychology and marxism, vigotski. Abstract: this work aims to present an analysis on book’s lev s. vigotski entitled educational psychology published in 1926, with the objective of identifying some elements that it allows us to characterize your scientific project for the psychology. like this, along the analysis, we established an approach of vigotski with the marxism and with the dialetic, indicating the intention of vigotski in building a psychology taken root in the historical materialism and dialetic and that such proposition was already idealized in the beginning of your career, among 1917-1923. we located the book educational psychology while a paradoxical work because to the same in time that throws the bases for a new psychology, it doesn’t stop pointing your transitory character.