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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Uma arquitetura para detec??o online de transientes em sinais de eletrocardiograma sobre o protocolo PM-AH

DOI: 10.4322/rbeb.2012.041

Keywords: transients, ecg, hilbert transform, mp-ha, distributed computing.

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a correct identification of transients in the ecg (electrocardiogram) can assist processing methods for ecg signals, since this type of event degrades the signal and can be misleading. therefore, this paper proposes an architecture for detection of these phenomena, following the current trend of distributed computing, in which a sensor will detect transients at the time of signal acquisition, and then forward this information through a data communication network, designed specifically for hospital automation, to a computing device that will process the data or present it to a trained professional for manual analysis. to perform the detection of transients, a mathematical method based on the hilbert transform of the ecg signal is proposed here, allied with the mp-ha (multicycle protocol for hospital automation), with the addition of frames, so that information on the occurrence of transients can be transmitted along with signal data of the electrocardiogram. among the possible transients, noise was chosen because it is the phenomenon that interferes the most with the processing of ecg signals. tests were performed using the mit-bih arrhythmia database, while a mathematical analysis was used in the new frames of the mp-ha protocol in order to demonstrate the consistency of the protocol with this addition.


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