Fistula renocólica como complicación de radiofrecuencia para tratamiento de carcinoma renal de células clarasDOI: 10.4321/S0004-06142010000100014 Keywords: radiofrequency ablation, renal tumors, fistula. Abstract: objectives: to describe a clinical case of renocolic fistula as a complication of radiofrequency ablation of renal cell carcinoma. we reviewed the literature and presented different diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. method: beyond postoperative suspicion, retrograde pyelogram was performed, the images of which are displayed, and demonstrated the fistula. results: treatment has been definitive nephrectomy after failed attempt to seal the fistula with suture and tachosil. conclusions: although radiofrequency ablation can be a valid technique for treating small renal tumors in patients with high morbidity, it is not without significant complications as described in this case, despite the precautions taken.