Memoria americana 2010
Servicio personal, tributo y conciertos en Córdoba a principios del siglo XVII: La visita del gobernador Luis de Qui?ones Osorio y la aplicación de las ordenanzas de Francisco de AlfaroKeywords: indians, córdoba, alfaro′s ordinances, early seventeenth century. Abstract: in 1616-17 an inspection () to the indigenous population of the jurisdiction of córdoba, , was conducted in compliance with one of the ordinances enacted by francisco de alfaro. this article analyzes this as a part of governor luis de qui?ones osorio's administration, which implemented some aspects of alfaro′s ordinances of 1612 sining at institutionalizing the relations between and . more specifically, this article focuses on the different forms indian labor acquired in the jurisdiction of córdoba and how it was transfered to the private sector, either through commutation of indigenous tribute() or labor arrangements for wages().