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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Reconhecimento de senten?as no silêncio e no ruído, em campo livre, em indivíduos portadores de perda auditiva de grau moderado

DOI: 10.7162/S1809-48722012000100002

Keywords: hearing, neurosensory hearing loss, noise, perception of speech.

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introduction: in daily routine from the audiologists, the complaints are frequent about the difficulty of understanding of speech in a noisy environment. audiologic tests that use the sentences as stimulus, have been objects of research, because besides check the real hearing abilities from the patient, provide a direct approach with situations of communications and provide information that will guide the more adequate conduct to be indicated for the individual with hearing complaints. objective: determine the thresholds of recognition of sentences in silence and the relation sign/noise in a group of individual carriers of the bilateral neurosensory hearing loss and symmetric from moderate degree. method: retrospective study, clinic and experimental. were evaluated 50 individuals, being 16 adults of middle age and 34 elderly. was performed a anamnesis and the basic audiological evaluation. posteriorly, using the test of list of sentences in portuguese, was performed the research of the thresholds of recognition of sentences in silence and the relation sign/noise with a fixed level of noise of 65 db nps(a). results: the average lrss obtained for all subject was of 60,90 db nps (a), and the average of relations s/r was of +3,20 db nps (a). conclusion: the analysis of variables allowed to obtain the average lrss, affirm that it had correlation with the triton mean of the better ear from subjects and that the threshold of audibility seems to be the only parameter to influence the recognition in the silence. besides, make it possible to obtain of the mean of relations s/r, which demonstrate the difficulty that the individual with hearing loss present in noisy environment.


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