Atenea (Concepción) 2009
NUEVOS ENFOQUES HISTóRICOS E HISTORIA LITERARIA: HACIA LA CONSTRUCCIóN DE UN MODELO CONCEPTUAL (EL CASO DEL CONCEPTO HISTORICISMO EN LAS HISTORIAS DE LA LITERATURA COLOMBIANA)DOI: 10.4067/S0718-04622009000200005 Keywords: history, literature, positivism, colombian literary history, historiography. Abstract: we signal the importance of the conceptual contributions that history can offer us for the idea of a new history of colombian literature while thinking that the writing of a literary history means reflecting on the conceptual differences that the purportedly "new" literary history should have when facing the traditional nineteenth century history (positivist, lineal, authorial, nationalist) that still reins today. and so, evidencing these characteristics (for example: positivism), will permit us to reflect on the role that colombian literary history should play in order to separate ourselves from the form of writing of classical history.