Cianobacterias del embalse San Roque (Córdoba, Argentina)Keywords: cyanobacteria, taxonomy, san roque reservoir, córdoba, argentina. Abstract: this work is a contribution to the knowledge of the cyanobacteria present in the san roque reservoir and forms a part of an integral study of its algal flora. twenty-four taxa are described and ilustrated: 11 chroococcales, 8 nostocales, and 5 oscillatoriales. synechocystis aquatilis, gloeocapsa rupestris, gomphosphaeria aponina, chamaesiphon incrustans f. incrustans, scytonema crispum, tolypothrix distorta, gloeotrichia pisum, calothrix fusca, trichodesmium lacustre, geitlerinema splendidum, lyngbya aestuarii and borzia trilocularis.