Nitrate reductase activity in the diatom Biddulphia longicmris: characterization and daily oscillationDOI: 10.1590/S0373-55241995000200004 Keywords: biddulphia longicmris, daily variations, nitrate reductase, nitrate uptake. Abstract: nitrate reductase (nr) activity was studied in the marine diatom biddulphia longicmris. during 24 hours of sampling, nr activity was found during day time and in the transition day-night. nitrite anions, the product of nitrate reduction, was released by the cells at the times nr was active, and accumulated in the culture medium. whenever the cultures of b. longicmris were submitted to nitrogen deprivation, nr activity could not be detected. in vitro determination of km values for nr using nitrate or nadh were respectively 50//m and 80 /*m. temperature and ph dependence of nr activity were also determined for this organism.