Boletin de Geología 2012
ANáLISIS ESTRUCTURAL AL NORESTE DEL VOLCáN NEVADO DEL RUíZ, COLOMBIA - APORTE A LA EXPLORACIóN GEOTéRMICAKeywords: nevado del ruiz volcano, palestina fault, villamaría-termales fault, stress regime, geothermal exploration. Abstract: the structural geology studies around the nevado del ruiz volcano (nrv), based on aerial photographs and digital terrene models interpretation, in conjunction with analysis of morphological, tectonic features, striated fault planes data and stress field calculation allow to propose a structural scheme that explains the pattern of location of hot springs and fluid released in the western part of the nrv. structures and kinematics in the region are closely related to the dominant tectonic features of the nvr, nominally longitudinal ne-sw and n-s faults (palestina, santa rosa and san jerónimo) and a transverse nw-se to e-w system (villamaría-termales, campoalegrito, san ramón faults). quaternary stress tensor was obtained with a wsw-ene direction of contraction, and dextral strike slip deformation by simple shear along main longitudinal faults, while left lateral displacement is transmitted to most of the nw transverse structures. a wsw-ene direction of compression was also calculated from striated planes of cretaceous-paleocene and older rocks, meaning previous right lateral displacements along longitudinal faults (i.e. palestina or san jerónimo).