ESTUDIOS TéCNICOS Y ESTILíSTICOS EN DISCOS METáLICOS HISPANO-INDíGENAS PROCEDENTES DEL PUKARá DE TILCARA (JUJUY, ARGENTINA)DOI: 10.4067/S0718-68942010000100005 Keywords: metallic disks, technical analysis, stylistic studies, tilcara, spanish-indigenous contact. Abstract: we present technical and stylistic analyses of metallic disks from tilcara (province of jujuy) and assigned to the time of first contact with the spanish (ca. 1535-1650). we evaluate changes and continuities of style and to a lesser extent the disc manufacturing techniques from the late pre-hispanic period to the time of contact, taking into consideration the assimilation or negotiation of certain european values and the upholding of local cultural decisions. the spanish conquest was a lengthy process characterized by diverse forms of alliance, confrontation and contact between the european and native populations that brought the latter into a new social framework that altered the production, circulation and consumption of different types of goods and images.