Chungará (Arica) 2010
C INDEX: DIMENSIONING THE EXPEDIENT/CURATIVE CONTINUUM IN LITHIC TECHNOLOGYDOI: 10.4067/S0717-73562010000200004 Keywords: technological organization, lithic curation and expediency, central chile. Abstract: the technological emphasis in lithic assemblages can be examined in terms of the degree of planning each set represents and its corresponding position along the expedient/curative continuum. this approach has been a very useful analytical tool in studies of toolmaking technologies, especially among hunter-gatherer societies. in most cases, however, the approach uses qualitative criteria which, though valid, do not allow for comprehensive comparisons of different contexts. this work proposes a mechanism that is more quantitative than qualitative by offering an índex that can measure the degree of curation of a given lithic assemblage. as the paper shows, we have found this development to be a useful tool for analyzing hunter-gatherer and horticulturist contexts of central chile.