Ciencia y enfermería 2010
A EXPERIêNCIA DE PAIS PARTICIPANTES DE UM GRUPO DE EDUCA??O PARA SAúDE NO PRé-NATALDOI: 10.4067/S0717-95532010000100012 Keywords: pregnancy, health education, paternity, prenatal care. Abstract: the aim of this research was to describe the experience of fathers, participating in a health education group during prenatal care. an action research strategy was adopted to carry out the study and handle the group, at a university hospital, city of s?o paulo, brazil. the group was conformed by eight pregnant women and four husbands. from the individual interviews carried out with the husbands, fully recorded, transcribed and analyzed in an inductive and interpretive way, three descriptive categories emerged from the experience: a) the participation in the group permitted to share the experiences in a more intensive way, b) the participation in the group permitted a better understanding of the pregnant woman and promoted the quality of support offered to her, c) the knowledge and the development of body techniques promoted the integration of the couples and among the participants of the group. the fathers′ active participation in the educational activities carried out in prenatal care should be encouraged to produce benefits for him and, consequently, to his family and the society.