Colombia Forestal 2010
USO DE ESPECIES FORESTALES ASOCIADAS A BOSQUES DE ROBLE Quercus Humboldtii Bonpl.), CON FINES ENERGéTICOS, EN TRES VEREDAS DEL MUNICIPIO DE ENCINO-SANTANDERKeywords: oak forest, colombia, wood demand, native forest species, firewood, domestic use of wood. Abstract: we surveyed the firewood consumption for energetic purposes from the oak forest of the patios altos and canada villages in encino-santander. tools used to collect data were: structured sur veys, open interviews and participant observation to those families dependent upon forest resources. twenty-one species for domestic use were recorded, from which seven were related to the oak for est. the most preferred and used tree species was the oak (quercus humboldtii bonpl) followed by the laurel (morella pubescens (humb. & bonpl. ex willd.) wilbur). results show that 98% of the population uses only firewood and firewood alternated with gas, which suggests the importance of firewood to the community. firewood consumption per person is 3.6 ± 1.35 kg per day, while annual consumption of the whole group (54 families) is the 354.78 kg per year. this usage corresponds to native tree species (78.2%), native shrubs (12.4%) and exotics (9.3%). firewood usage represents savings to local inhabitants, corresponding to 33% of their monthly earnings, approximately.