EVOLUCIóN Y DETERMINANTES DE LAS EXPORTACIONES INDUSTRIALES REGIONALES: EVIDENCIA EMPíRICA PARA COLOMBIA (1977-2002)Keywords: exportations, anti-export bias, regional differences, productivity, panel data, fixed effects. Abstract: this paper examines the impact of macroeconomics variables, productivity, and geographical status on the colombian industrial exportations during the period 1977-2002. we use data drawn from encuesta nacional manufacturera and the comercio exterior collected by the dane (national statitistics administrative department for its initials in spanish). the analysis is focused on the exportations to entire world, the u.s.a, and the can (andean community of nations for its initials in spanish) market. the empirical strategy includes panel data analysis (fixed and random effects). our results suggest that the distance from the markets, the productivity, and the effective protection have strong effect on the performance (the evolution) of the regional industrial exportations.