Desacatos 2012
Fronteras, comunidades indígenas y acumulación de violenciasKeywords: violence, guatemalan border, indigenous communities, globalization of the periphery, guatemala. Abstract: mayan communities in guatemala has historically formed from the axis of the constituent and persistent violence.in the colony,the republic and the war from 70s to the last century,currently joins the violence produced by the incorporation of these suburbs to the global order: the "megaprojects" and the exploitation of natural resources, the expanding of drug trafficking or migration to united states. capitalization "for themselves" because of the resources transferred by the massive incorporation of indigenous peoples to this exodus to "the north" introduces disordered urbanization and modernization, and sociocultural paradoxes.this set of transformations creates new dependencies and violence as part of everyday, radically defying community life. this article explores the case of the department of huehuetenango, border with mexico.