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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Síndrome de hipertensión pulmonar ?un origen genético en pollos de engorde?

Keywords: genetic markers, snps, whole-genome shotgun, gallus gallus, genetic epidemiology, logistic regression.

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at least 83 % of non-synonimous polymorphisms which are of the simple nucleotide type have been identified in high performance commercial birds, such as broiler, layer and silkie. this has allowed the collection of information about the variation rate in the nucleotide sequence in the chicken genome. the abovementioned variation occurs at 5 x 10-3 intervals in the nucleotide chain. it is important to look for associations among those variations, related to key phenotype characters, such as disease resistance or susceptibility. an example is the pulmonary arterial hypertension in meat-type broilers, a syndrome which accounts for nearly 30 % of mortality. a step toward the identification of these associations has been implemented by using both molecular technologies and statistical models that allow the generation of quick results useful in the implementation of breeding and selection programs. the present document describes both, the methodology for sequencing the domestic chicken genome and the polymorphism identification within candidate genes of susceptible broiler chickens prone to develop hypoxic pulmonary hypertension. current implications to increase the knowledge about native species genome related to the use of molecular genetics are also discussed.


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