Identidades en tránsito: comunicación, cuerpo y tecnología en jóvenes urbanos de VillavicencioKeywords: body, youth, society, social representation, youth cultures, city. Abstract: the article proposes a reflection, as a result of the investigation the same name, on ways that young people assignment made in urban societies, how these forms of socialization gain visibility through social representations of the body (seen in its symbolic dimension and version only, anatomical dominant discourses of physical education), the ways of "being together" in urban areas, its worldview and its educational purposes. the project generated a corpus that used qualitative methodology with focal groups in urban youth in the city of villavicencio selected as the basis of random sample of 24 subjects enrolled in different groups and structured interviews (some of them online) with national and international field work following the ethnographic method (field notes) and review of documents, grouped by analysis criteria. the project results showed as elements of reflection on forms of social bonding among young people (intrasubjective and intersubjective identification), comprehensive itineraries on body markings (tattoos and piercings that are embodied in particular youth cultures and styles), relationships between body and identity in key cosmetic and social uses of the embodiment as cultural elements associated with media formats, which are concluded transient forms of participation in youth identities, nomads of their styles associated with body searches, evidence of emerging embodied practices and lack of understanding school culture of these formats and these subjectivities.