Polis (Santiago) 2012
El Hip Hop: ?Arte popular de lo cotidiano o resistencia táctica a la marginación?DOI: 10.4067/S0718-65682012000300021 Keywords: hip hop, popular art, street culture, art and resistance. Abstract: this article puts forward a view of hip hop in chile as a pluralmovement which can be thought of in terms of tactics and strategies of resistance.for that it starts with a general characterization of this practice, considering itsdifferent components -music, dance and graffiti- followed by a description of itshistorical origins and its social context of tensions associated with segregation andurban stigmatization. then from a review of various researches adopted from historyand sociology it address its development in our country, which allows identifyingits singularities and its capacity of protest in our recent history. next we deal withthe question of hip hop as a popular art taking into account various dimensions inwhich is expressed the creative capacity of its authors and its public. finally, weaddress the political potential of hip hop, exploring its possibilities by beingunderstood as an art of resistance.