Política criminal 2012
El delito de maltrato habitual en la Ley N° 20.066 a la luz del derecho comparadoDOI: 10.4067/S0718-33992012000200002 Keywords: domestic violence, habitual abuse, regularity. Abstract: the article presents an examination of the crime of habitual abuse in chilean legislation in the light of comparative experience. to the initial diagnosis of the legal regulation of national and comparative law, followed by the identification of some problematic cores in the offense. comparative law preeminence is given to spanish law, whose criminal types, its reforms and interpretations of doctrine (especially the first) were those that inspired the current wording of article 14 of law 20.066. in the problematic cores are considered the legally protected good and the main elements of the objective part of the offense (conduct, subjects, regularity, etc.) and a procedural aspect. it concludes with a proposal of lege ferenda.