A CONSCIêNCIA METALINGüíSTICA PRAGMáTICA E SUA RELA??O COM A PRODU??O ESCRITADOI: 10.4067/S0718-48832008000200003 Keywords: metalinguistic development, phonological awareness, pragmatic awareness. Abstract: this study investigated the pragmatic metalinguistic awareness and its relation to narrative text production by fifth-graders. the research was carried out with two distinct groups, in which students were divided by their levels of phonological awareness. the main objective was to verify how systematic knowledge of scientific subjects and concepts learned during early childhood education and elementary school, are organized and structured to produce written material. the use of verbal stories allowed the understanding of the children's social intention through their choices of words, revealing the steps covered from its mental concept until its materialization -writing. the results show that the level of metalinguistic awareness is connected to the other-reader's representation, real or imaginary, which will affect all written work.