Description of the male of Lepidodexia (Xylocamptopsis) teffeensis (Townsend) (Diptera, Sarcophagidae)DOI: 10.1590/S0085-56262012005000001 Keywords: flesh flies, morphology, taxonomy, terminalia. Abstract: description of the male of lepidodexia (xylocamptopsis) teffeensis (townsend) (diptera, sarcophagidae). the male of lepidodexia (xylocamptopsis) teffeensis (townsend, 1927) is described and illustrated for the first time based on material housed in the entomological collection of museu nacional, rio de janeiro (mnrj). this monotypic subgenus has been recorded in the brazilian amazon rainforest, first in the state of amazonas and now in the state of pará. the general structure of the male terminalia is similar that of other lepidodexia, especially of the subgenus lepidodexia, by the short distiphallus, juxta with apical projection, and vesica with a membranous spinous lobe.