Revista Med 2011
TRATAMIENTO DE LA HIPERTENSIóN Y EL IMPACTO DE LOS CAMBIOS EN EL ESTILO DE VIDA EN PACIENTES CON RIESGO CARDIOVASCULARKeywords: hypertension, life style, diseases prevention, education, effectiveness. Abstract: arterial hypertension is a powerful factor of cardiovascular risk, and it usually appears in association with other factors that may worsen its diagnosis and/or increase cardio vascular risk. through worldwide literature it is well known that a change of lifestyles can provide additional reductions of tensional figures. the main purpose of this study was to show that by using single or combined anti-hypertensive medications in order to reach objectives plus adding some recommendations for changes in the patients' lifestyles, a higher benefit is obtained as to the impact of the goals set or the reduction of the pharmacological therapy. follow up of 1.605 hypertensive patients was carried out for four months, in a real-life study, thanks to the cooperation of 210 physicians from colombia's leading cities. they were divided into two groups: the first, the control group, received conventional therapy and, according to the physician's criterion, if necessary, to add 80 mg of telmisartan or telmisartan plus hydrochlorothiazide (hctz) (through combination and monotherapy); and the second, or balance group, in addition to the treatment, was given a concrete behavioral intervention through specific recommendations to reduce cardiovascular risk. average reductions of systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure were evaluated, as well as the achievement of set goals through the additional intervention of changes in lifestyles. the reduction obtained of the (average) systolic blood pressure was of 26.1 mm hg (sd 16.1) in the balance group, and of 13.98 (sd 9.1) mm hg and 13.37 (sd 9.1) for the corresponding balance and control groups. no meaningful changes were observed between the two groups, but the goals regarding tensional figures in 591 (75.7%) of the control group, and in 635 (77%) of the balance group were achieved. it is concluded that telmisartan alone or in combination with hctz or other hypertensive therapies, was effective in the reduction of both systolic