EVALUACIóN DE LAS PROPIEDADES TERMODINáMICAS DE SORCIóN DE LA UCHUVA (Physalis peruviana L.)Keywords: physalis, equilibrium sorption, isosteric heat, gibbs free energy of sorption. Abstract: the equilibrium sorption of water at different temperatures (25, 35, 50 and 60°c) at a relative humidity range, from 0.10 to 0.85, was determined using a static gravimetric method. isosteric heat and gibbs free energy were calculated from the sorption equilibrium. the models of gab, bet, smith, the modified hasley, modified chung-pfost on the modified oswin and henderson was tested to fit the experimental data. the gab model is most appropriate to describe the sorption curves. the moisture content values for the monolayer adsorption at different temperatures were calculated using the bet model. isosteric heat decreases with increasing moisture energy increases.