Genetic Differentiation Among Geographically Close Populations of Malva AlceaDOI: 10.2478/v10182-010-0021-9 Keywords: Malva alcea, isozymes, genetic differentiation, Central Europe, Poland Abstract: We estimated similarity and differences at the level of isozymes among populations of Malva alcea from various habitats and parts of Central Europe. Our analyses revealed the activity of 8 enzyme systems: 6 polymorphic (PGI, IDH, PX, DIA, PGM, SHD KB) and 2 monomorphic (GOT, ME). The mean number of alleles per locus is 2.12. Nei's genetic distances among populations are small, not exceeding 0.3. Mean values of Nei's genetic similarity are typical of populations of the same species. Grouping by Upgma based on Nei's genetic distances showed that the distinguished groups are only partly correlated with geographic region.