Cancer Informatics 2012
Bioinformatic Prediction of Ultraviolet Light Mutagenesis Sensitivity of Human Genes and a Method for Genetically Engineering UVB ResistanceDOI: 10.4137/CIN.S6670 Abstract: Living on earth, we are exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light as part of the solar radiation. UVB spectrum light exposure contributes to the development of skin cancer by interacting with pyrimidine pairs to create lesions called cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers. If these lesions are not removed by nucleotide excision repair, they often give rise to C to T transition mutations. Based on these observations, a bioinformatics approach was used to predict the vulnerability of human protein coding genes to UVB induced loss of function mutations. This data was used to evaluate in depth those genes associated with malignant melanoma. In addition, we demonstrate a method of genetically engineering genes that significantly improves resistance to UVB loss of function mutations.