Uso de um inibidor da síntese de prostaglandinas em receptoras bovinas com ou sem dificuldade de transposi o cervical Use of a synthesis inhibitor of prostaglandins in cattle recipients with or without difficult of cervical manipulationAbstract: Objetivou-se determinar o efeito do flunixin meglumine sobre a taxa de concep o de receptoras de embri es bovinos com ou sem dificuldade de transposi o cervical na inovula o. As receptoras foram distribuídas em quatro grupos experimentais de acordo a dificuldade ou n o de transposi o cervical e tratamento ou n o com flunixin meglumine. Desta forma, os grupos experimentais foram denominados: N o tratadas com flunixin meglumine e sem dificuldade de transposi o cervical (S/FM-CF, n=184), n o tratadas com flunixin meglumine e com dificuldade de transposi o cervical (S/FM-CD, n=58), tratadas com flunixin meglumine e sem dificuldade de transposi o cervical (C/FM-CF, n=38) e tratadas com flunixin meglumine e com dificuldade de transposi o cervical (C/FM-CD, n=57). As receptoras tratadas com flunixin meglumine receberam uma aplica o de 500mg de flunixin meglumine i.m. (DESFLAN, Ouro Fino, S o Paulo, Brasil) imediatamente após as inovula es, enquanto os animais n o tratados receberam a aplica o de 10 mL de solu o salina fisiológica i.m. A taxa de concep o média foi de 51,93%, já as taxas de concep o dos grupos S/FM-CF, S/FM-CD, C/FM-CF e C/FM-CD foram, respectivamente, de 54,35; 36,21; 50,00 e 61,40%. Verificou-se taxa de concep o significativamente inferior (P=0,007) para as receptoras do grupo S/FM-CD. Os resultados demonstram que o uso do flunixin meglumine pode ser útil em receptoras com dificuldade de transposi o cervical, proporcionando o controle do fen meno de regress o lútea precoce. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of flunixin meglumine on conception rate of bovine embryo recipients with or without difficulty of implementation of the cervix at inovulation. The superovulation and synchronization of donors and recipients were done for this purpose. The recipients were divided into four groups according to difficulty or not for cervical implementation and being treated or not with flunixin meglumine. Thus, experimental groups were named: Not treated with flunixin meglumine and without difficulty of cervical implementation (S/FM-CF, n=184), not treated with flunixin meglumine and with difficulty of cervical implementation (S/FM-CD, n=58), treated with flunixin meglumine and without difficulty of cervical implementation (C/FM-CF, n=38), and treated with flunixin meglumine and with difficulty of cervical implementation (C/FM-CD, n=57). The recipients treated with flunixin meglumine received an application of 500mg flunixin meglumine im (DESFLAN, Ouro Fino, Sao Paulo, Brazil) immediately after the inovulations, while the anima