Correlación entre la memoria subjetiva y objetiva episódica en pacientes con epilepsia del lóbulo temporal medial intratableDOI: 10.5839/rcnp.2013.0801.02 Keywords: subjective memory , episodic objective memory , untreatable medial temporal lobe epilepsy Abstract: Introduction. In the scientific literature there is not agreement about the existence of relationship between subjective memory and the episodic objective mem-ory in untreatable medial temporal lobe epileptic patients (UMTLE). Objective. To identify the presence of relationship between subjective memory and the episodic objective memory in UMTLE patients. Methods. We studied 32 patients, aged 15-60; all of them were interviewed using a semiestructured interview model and a Questionnaire of Memory Efficiency; the Rey′s Auditory Verbal Learning Test and the Reproduction and copy of complex figure Rey-Osterreith. Test data were analyzed. Results. Patients complained about their memory, viso-perceptual modality was preserved but verbal-auditive modality did not. We did not find any differences related to the lateralization of the ictal zone for both modalities. There was a negative correlation between the subjective memory and the verbal-auditive modality. Patients with left side lateralization showed a positive correlation between the subjective memory and the delayed viso-perceptual memory type. Conclusions. Patients had abnormalities in the subjective memory unrelated to the lateralization. They also had an heterogeneous profile in the episodic memory and the existence of relationship between subjective memory and the episodic objective memory (verbal-auditive), and a delayed viso-perceptual memory type only in patients with left lateralization.