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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Tarih Dersindeki Kavramlar n Alg lanma Düzeylerine li kin Bir De erlendirme

Keywords: Education , History Education , Concepts , Concept Teaching , Teaching History , E itim , Tarih E itimi , Kavramlar , Kavram retimi , Tarih retimi.

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The aim of this work is to determine the high school students’ perceptions about concepts of History lesson and to offer precautions to be taken to increase students’ perception levels. The empirical data gathered from tenth grade students of different high school types of Zonguldak province.Two different tests, the concept success test and the concept matching test, which was prepared for the research applied to 767 students. The empirical data analyzed with SPSS statistical software. Frequency and percent statistics were used to determine the descriptive qualities of the students, average and standard deviation statistics were used to determine the students' concept success points, T-test one way Anova test and Chi-square test were used to investigate the level of concept matching and concept success test according to students' descriptive qualities .At the end of the work, the results of the research are displayed. The level of students' concept success and concept matching was very low and there was a significant differentiation at the success levels among high school types. The success level of vocational high school was quite low considering with the general high schools. In addition to this, there was a significant differentiation at the level of student’s concept success and concept matching according to student’s genders and settlements. zetBu al ma, orta retim rencilerinin tarih dersinde yer alan kavramlar alg lama düzeylerini l erek alg düzeylerinin art r lmas na y nelik züm nerileri sunmak amac yla haz rlanm t r. Ara t rmada rneklem olarak orta retim 10. S n f rencileri se ilmi tir. Ama do rultusunda olu turulan kavram ba ar testi ile kavram e le tirme testi 2011-2012 E itim- retim y l nda Zonguldak ilinde farkl lise türlerinde e itim g ren 767 renciye uygulanm t r.Elde edilen veriler SPSS program kullan larak analiz edilmi tir. rencilerin tan mlay c zelliklerinin belirlenmesinde frekans ve yüzde istatistiklerinden; kavram ba ar puan ve kavram e le tirme testlerinden ald klar puanlar n belirlenmesinde ortalama ve standart sapma istatistiklerinden; kavram ba ar ve kavram e le tirme düzeylerinin incelenmesinde ise T testi, tek y nlü Anaova ve Ki-kare analizlerinden yararlan lm t r.Ara t rma sonucunda; rencilerin kavram ba ar ve kavram e le tirme düzeylerinin olduk a dü ük oldu u, lise türlerine g re ba ar düzeylerinde anlaml farkl la malar oldu u, zellikle meslek liselerindeki ba ar oran n n genel liselere g re olduk a dü ük düzeyde oldu u belirlenmi tir. Ara t rmada ayr ca rencilerin kavram ba


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