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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Feridüddin Attar’ n Hayat ve Eserleri

Keywords: Feridüddin Attar , Feridüddin Attar’ n do um ve lüm tarihi , Mo ol istilas , Anadolu , Tezkiretü’l-Evliya , Far d al-D n Attar , date de naissance et de mort de Far d al-D n Attar , invasion mongole , Anatolie , Tadhkira al-awliya.

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This study examines the life and studies of Fariduddin Attar. In the first part of the study the life of Attar, which was not known very exactly, is examined. However, we know that he was martyred during the Mongol invasion in Anatolia. In the second part of the study, the studies of Feridüddin Attar examined generally, but his famous study, Tazkirat al-awliya, and the different studies about Turkish translations of it examined in detail. zetBu al mada Feridüddin Attar’ n Hayat ve eserleri ele al n p incelenmi tir. al mada ncelikle eserlerinden hareketle Feridüddin Attar’ n hayat ayd nlat lmaya al lm t r. Feridüddin Attar’ n do um ve lüm tarihleri ok net bilinmemekle beraber, Anadolu’da Mo ol istilas d neminde ehit edildi i bilinmektedir. al mada Feridüddin Attar’ n eserleri hakk nda bilgi verildikten sonra zellikle Tezkiretü’l-Evliyas ’n n bilinen tercümeleri üzerine yap lan al malar ele al nm t r.Far d al-D n Attar et son Tadhkira al-awliyaRésuméDans ce travail, on va étudier la vie et l’ uvre de Far d al-D n Attar. Tout d’abord, on va étudier sa vie à partir de ses propres uvres. On ne connait pas exactement la date de sa naissance et celle de sa mort, mais on sait qu’il a été tué lors de l’invasion mongole en Anatolie. Puis on va donner des informations concernant ses uvres et plus particulièrement sur les traductions de son ouvrage s’intitulant Tadhkira al-awliya.


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