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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Terekeme (Karapapak) Türkleri ve Manileri (Bayat lar /Mahn lar ): Mu -Bulan k evresi

Keywords: Mani , Turkish Culture , Terekeme , Mani , Mahn , Bayat , Türk Kültürü , Karapapak , Mu , Manie , culture turque , Terekeme , tradition , famille.

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Manis, which are called with different names in the geography of Anatolia, show similarities in terms of form and content in general. Mani read within a particular tradition also reflects poetry taste of the Turkish people ideally. This study benefits from the data of field research that we have done. Mani and the tradition of reading Mani which has been got through compilation in the field, transmitted from generation to generation, which has specific rules and reflects the mentality, love, longing, feeling, and behavior of local people and culture of the region are going to form the main part of the study. In addition to this, characteristics of Terekeme (Karapapak) Turks’ dialect are also dwelled on. zetAnadolu co rafyas nda farkl isimlerle zikredilen maniler, ekil ve muhteva a s ndan genel olarak benzerlikler g stermektedir. Belirli bir gelenek dahilinde s ylenen maniler, Türk halk n n iir zevkini de en güzel ekilde aksettirmektedir. Bu al mada yapm oldu umuz saha ara t rmas n n verilerinden yararlan lacakt r. al man n esas b lümünü; sahada derlemeler yoluyla elde edilmi , ku aktan ku a a aktar lan, belirli kurallar olan, y re insan n n; dü ünce yap s n , sevdalar n , zlemlerini, duygu ve davran lar n , y renin kültürünü yans tan maniler ve mani anlatma gelene i olu turmaktad r. Bunun yan s ra Terekeme (Karapapak) Türklerinin a z zellikleri üzerinde de durulmu tur.Les turcs de Terekeme (Karapapak) et leurs qutrains (region de Mu -Bulan k)RésuméLes manies appelées par des noms différents en Anatolie,présentent des ressemblances en terme de forme et de contenu. Les manies, qui se disent dans une tradition particulière, reflètent aussi le plus bel exemple de la poésie du peuple turc. Dans cette étude, nous allons utiliser les données de notre recherche de terrain. La partie fondamentale du travail consiste en manies et la tradition du récit des manies acquises au moyen du travail de terrain, transmis de génération en génération, avec des règles spécifiques et en reflétant la structure de la pensée des gens de la région, leurs aspirations, leurs sentiments, leurs attitudes et comportements et leur culture. En outre, on va aussi analyser les caractéristiques de bouche des Turcs de Terekeme (Karapapak)


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