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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




A consciência originária do infinito e sua manifesta o na história segundo Schleiermacher / The originary consciousness of the infinite and its manifestation in history according to Schleiermacher

Keywords: Schleiermacher , Experiência religiosa , Revela o , Religi o positiva , Religious experience , Revelation , Positive religion

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O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar, em linhas gerais, a filosofia da religi o do teólogo Friedrich D. E., desenvolvida em seu escrito de juventude intitulado über die Religion. Pretende-se expor o caráter polêmico e apologético desta obra, que se sobressai na discuss o filosófico-teológica com as principais correntes predominantes dos fins do século XVIII. Em seguida, intenta-se reconstruir a perspectiva metodológica exposta neste escrito, assim como sua compreens o de revela o e religi o positiva.AbstractThe aim of this paper is to present an overview of Friedrich D. E. Schleiermacher's philosophy of religion as developed in his early book, über die Religion. We intend to expose the polemic and apologetic method of this book, which stands out in his debate with the philosophical and theological mainstreams of the late eighteenth century. In addition, we seek to reconstruct the methodological approach exposed therein, as well as Schleiermacher's understanding of revelation and positive religion.


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