The medical uncertainty felt by women in the support for breast cancerKeywords: Perception , breast neoplasms , early detection of cancer , attitude of health personnel , uncertainty , trust , reasoned confidence , decided confidence , provided confidence. Abstract: Aim: This article focuses on how patients with breast cancer receive the information transmitted to them by health professionals of the malignancy with which they suffer. Our objective was to clarify the perception, by patients with breast cancer, of the information transmitted by health professionals on Cancer Pathology for which they have been diagnosed. Methods: We opted for an analytical approach akin to the analysis of the speech, to question 19 written testimonies of women who tell of their experience. Results: This approach helped to define the concept of medical uncertainty and elucidate the concept of trust through three different levels of theoretical meanings that are reasoned confidence and decided or provided confidence (Luhmann N. Réseaux. 2001;108:15). The analysis of the testimony of women on the medical uncertainty they feel the announcement of a diagnosis of breast cancer has shown changes in the work habits of physicians and caregivers about “the announcement of the diagnosis”. Conclusion: Three proposals appear as important: (1) integrate the patient in active relationships with caregivers. (2) reflect on models of care taking into account the difficulties outlined in the announcement of the diagnosis; (and 3) the fact that the person be at any time, at the centre of a human practice of oncology care. In conclusion we argue for a change of attitude of doctors, on the basis of trust between physician and patient. Prat Organ Soins. 2011;42(3):187-94