RETAINING TALENTS ON THE SECRETARY PROFESSION RETEN O DE TALENTOS NA PROFISS O DE SECRETARIADOKeywords: Talentos , Gest o de Pessoas , Plano de Carreira Abstract: In the corporate world too is invested in technology, specialized processes and techniques increasingly advanced as to achieve the planned growth targets. But there is one factor that is behind all the techniques and processes to be adopted, one item without which nothing would work: the human factor. In the current scenario, it is necessary to know the professional expectation of every employee and seek to meet them. Due to the passage of the Industrial Age to the Information Age, organizations look to service provider’s brain; need the skills with his hands, but the ability of the brain is more valued. Research shows that today, which attracts professionals secretariat is the Career Plan. Remuneration is fixed or variable, has become an item until the second or third priority. This is because the profile of these professionals is to seek personal and professional growth. These data are confirmed in the primary research developed in this work. Most respondents, especially young people, consider a career as a major priority. Based on what was analyzed and compared to academic studies discussed during the work, confirm that is correct there is a trend confirmed in primary and secondary research that the salary is out of the picture when it comes to retaining talent. More than that, to retain the talent it takes to study it, because as noted the priority will vary according to personal and professional phase in which the individual and meets. No mundo corporativo muito se investe em tecnologia, processos especializados e técnicas cada vez mais avan adas para se alcan ar as t o planejadas metas de crescimento. Porém, há um fator que está por trás de todas as técnicas e processos a ser adotado, um item sem o qual nada funcionaria: o fator humano. No cenário atual, é preciso conhecer a expectativa profissional de cada funcionário e procurar atendê-las. Devido à passagem da Era Industrial para a Era da Informa o, as organiza es buscam fornecedores de servi os cerebrais; necessitam das habilidades com as m os, mas a habilidade do cérebro é mais valorizada. Pesquisas apontam que hoje, o que mais atrai os profissionais de secretariado é o Plano de Carreira. Remunera o, seja fixa ou variável, tornou-se um item de segunda ou até terceira prioridade. Isto se dá porque o perfil destes profissionais é buscar crescimento pessoal e profissional. Estes dados ficam comprovados na pesquisa primária elaborada neste trabalho. A maioria dos profissionais entrevistados, especialmente os jovens, considera a carreira como sua maior prioridade. Com base no que foi analisado e