Varia Historia 2012
Jean Bodin, o Methodus e a Clio tucidideana: as figura es heroicizantes do historiador Jean Bodin, his ' Methodus' and Thucydides' ClioDOI: 10.1590/s0104-87752012000100009 Keywords: Tucídides , Jean Bodin , historiografia , Cesare Ripa , herói , Thucydides , Jean Bodin , historiography , Cesare Ripa , hero Abstract: Apreciando as representa es figuradas na ideia de uma Clio Tucidideana por fins do século XVI, prop e-se refletir sobre a associa o entre a concep o antiga de herói e a moderna de gênio como parametro epistemológico que catalisa a aprecia o da excelência da práxis historiográfica. Aborda-se essa reflex o tomando em particular as proposi es elaboradas sobre a escrita da História no Metodus de Jean Bodin que juntamente com La Popelinière e Thomas Hobbes configuram historiograficamente a ideia da Clio Tucidideana conceituada por Cesare Ripa. Considering the representations configured in the idea of a Thucydidean Clio in the end of the sixteenth century, the article proposes to think about the association between the ancient concept of the hero and the modern concept of the genius as a epistemological criterium that catalizes the appreciation of the excellence of historiographical praxis. The attention of the article is centered on the thesis proposed to the wrting of history in the Methodus of Jean Bodin, who configures, conjointly with La Popelinière and Thomas Hobbes, the historiographical formulation of the idea of a Thucydidean Clio cconceptualized by Cesare Ripa.