Intellectum 2008
Archaeology and PrisonKeywords: Φυλακ Διαβατ ν , εναλλακτικ παιδαγωγικ προσεγγ σει , εθελοντ φοιτητ νομικ , πρ γραμμα Δ οδο , αρχαιολογ α , εκπα δευση , Σωφρονιστικ Κ δικα , επαν νταξη , εθελοντισμ , αν λικοι κρατο μενοι , πτ ρυγα ανηλ κων , εκπα δευση στη φυλακ , educational activities , archaeology , young prisoners , Diavata Prison , law students , volunteers , Greek prisons , alternative pedagogical approaches , social stereotypes , rehabilitation , prisoners right to education Abstract: This study presents an educational activity concerning archaeology with young prisoners of Diavata Prison and law students-volunteers. The application and evaluation of this action demonstrates that the provision of opportunities for alternative pedagogical approaches teams of particular interest, such as the young prisoners, may fruitfully utilize their capacities assisting to the disappearance of social stereotypes and promoting the right of all people to culture.