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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




A Survey of Middleware in different languages for Ubiquitous Services

Keywords: Middleware , Java , Cloud Com puting , CORBA , Web Services

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The advent of abrupt advancement in technologyand availability of numerous applications has madeit imperative to adopt a technology that is felicitousfor every domain. There exists a huge count oftechnologies working in all domains. The transientnature of technology itself is a reason for it beingobsolete. Enterprise application development (EAI)solutions support many on-going projects rangingfrom proprietary, open or academic projects toscientific experiments. After analysing variousmiddleware, we agreed on the fact that a languageworks best in a specific domain but may not beamicable with other domains. The rapidaugmentation in technology and unstablerequirements are responsible for having dearth inlanguages. Therefore, succinctly the environment isunstable and will be in future as well. This researchdiscusses middleware technologies available invarious languages.In this paper, on the basis ofliterature survey we present a comparative analysisof their features, flexibility, scalability and trade-offs and making it impeccable at some extent iswhat we aspire.


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