MYSTERY OF RIGHT ILIAC FOSSA PAIN: A REVIEW OF FOUR CASESKeywords: Right iliac fossa pain , Acute appendicitis , Meckel diverticulum Abstract: A Meckel diverticulum is a vestigial remnant of the omphalomesenteric (vitellointestinal) duct. As a congenital anomaly, it is a true diverticulum that includes all 3 coats of the small intestine. It occurs in about 2% of the population. Prevalence in males is 3-5 times higher than in females. Only 2% of cases are symptomatic, which usually presents among children at the age of 2. It generally remains silent. The fact which makes it an important structure is its life threatening complications. We present four such cases which were presented as right iliac fossa pain and intraoperatively diagnosed as complicated meckel diverticulum.