Revista SudHistoria 2010
El sin sentido de la historia. Termitas de la Ciencias en la barca de las ideas por Karl Popper / The Meaninglessness of History. Termites of the Science in the Boat of the Ideas by Karl PopperKeywords: Historicists , Science , Historiography , Political Action. Abstract: In a systematic way, Karl Popper’s work has been characterized by giving a parameter that demarcates the scientific possibilities. More than just offering a criteria to differentiate the science of the non-science, it is about a parameter to distinguish both scientific and non-scientific “declarations” with scientific and non-scientific “attitudes”. This article explores the connections among its epistemology perspectives, historiography and the political action to explain some limitations of its critical range, emphasizing that the only worthy critics are for “historicist” and not for historicist “theories”.