COHESION POLICY: METHODOLOGY AND INDICATORS TOWARDS COMMON APPROACHKeywords: territorial cohesion , model , system of indicators , efficiency Abstract: The territorial cohesion is a focal object of the regional programming period 2007-2013.This paper aims to purpose a critical review of the cohesion conceptualisation and of its measure,starting from an exchange of experiences and from an initial institutional demand inspired toregional projects foreseen in 2013 programme (ESPON Seminar 2008; French Green paper onCohesion 2008).Starting from a literature review and from the basic question of indicators, the paper aims toenhance territorial cohesion, measuring its different levels at local, national and European level. Theauthor takes a methodological approach to analyse and to detect a set of territorial cohesionindicators and to evaluate effectiveness and efficiency of indicators’ systems, currently used tomeasure this territorial dimension (STeMA). This kind of approach is relevant to the programmingperiod of new Structural Funds, looking at the French Green Paper 2008, implementing the 2007-13Programme.