Roteiro 2011
Leitura e compreens o do mundo na educa o básica: o ensino de História e a utiliza o de diferentes linguagens em sala de aulaKeywords: History education , Languages , Learning in History. Abstract: Read and understand the world in basic education: teaching History and use of different languages in the classroomAbstractThis study is devoted to reflection on the incorporation of different languages for the teaching of history. This meeting of shares in the basic education assumes the feasibility of promoting a history teaching based on research practices. To develop this study was conducted historical research on the teaching of history in Brazil and about the production historical, sociological and philosophical on the specificities of different languages (music, film, photography, television, literature, etc.). The pursuit of knowledge from a learning process linked to the initiation of research due to the requirement of knowledge about the languages used in the classroom, contributes to a significant learning of the student, because this provides the knowledge to read and understand the world around him. The changes of the historiography world, pioneered in history to work with new objects, new sources and from new problems. However, it takes the field on new languages and sources brought to the classroom for the teaching of history does not come at the expense of loss of specificity and solidity that should mark the historical knowledge.