Knowledge and satisfaction with pharmacotherapy follow-up in patients included in the Dader Program in two rural pharmacies / Conocimiento y satisfacción por el seguimiento farmacoterapéutico de los pacientes incluidos en el programa Dáder en dos farmacias ruralesKeywords: Satisfaction , Pharmacotherapy follow-up , Community pharmacy Abstract: Pharmacist and patient should cooperate to improve drug use. This participation should be empowered through good process training. Pharmacist-patient relationship is basic and it should be based on efficacy, empathy and outcome achievement. The objective of the present study is to evaluate knowledge and satisfaction of patients included in the Dader Program. Methods: We designed and distributed a anonymous questionnaire among patients under pharmacotherapy follow-up by the Dader method in Herreruela and Alca izo community pharmacies between 1st January and 15th March 2004. Results: Questionnaire was answered by 89% of patients. Average age is 65 years old. 91% of patients did not know pharmacotherapy follow-up before it was offered. 26% accepted follow-up looking for an improvement in their health status, while 74% did it because of their confidence in the pharmacist. 89% feels that it has produced an improvement in their status, and 83% believe that pharmacist-patient-physician relationship has not been affected; even 4% believe that this relationship has improved. More than 94% considered that they had received a excellent personal and professional treat. 74% states they are satisfied with the pharmacotherapy follow-up service, and 94% believe that their illnesses are better treated. Conclusions: Patients under pharmacotherapy follow-up know and positively appreciate this service. Confidence in their pharmacist was the main reason to accept the service. Patients are quite satisfied with pharmacotherapy follow-up, and they recognize pharmacist professionalism and accessibility, and so health outcomes achieved.