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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




A Novel Structure with Dynamic Operation Mode for Symmetric-Key Block Ciphers

Keywords: Block Cipher , Mode of Operation , Ubiquitous , Low-Resource

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Modern Internet protocols support several modes of operation in encryption tasks for data confidentialityto keep up with varied environments and provide the various choices, such as multi-mode IPSec support.To begin with we will provide a brief background on the modes of operation for symmetric-key blockciphers. Different block cipher modes of operation have distinct characteristics. For example, the cipherblock chaining (CBC) mode is suitable for operating environments that require self-synchronizingcapabilities, and the output feedback (OFB) mode requires encryption modules only. When usingsymmetric-key block cipher algorithms such as the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), usersperforming information encryption often encounter difficulties selecting a suitable mode of operation.This paper describes a structure for analyzing the block operation mode combination. This unifiedoperation structure (UOS) combines existing common and popular block modes of operation. UOS doesmulti-mode of operation with most existing popular symmetric-key block ciphers and do not only consistof encryption mode such as electronic codebook (ECB) mode, cipher block chaining (CBC) mode, cipherfeedback (CFB) mode and output feedback (OFB) mode, that provides confidentiality but also messageauthentication mode such as the cipher block chaining message authentication code (CBC-MAC) incryptography. In Cloud Computing, information exchange frequently via the Internet and on-demand.This research provides an overview and information useful for approaching low-resource hardwareimplementation, which is proper to ubiquitous computing devices such as a sensor mote or an RFID tag.The use of the method is discussed and an example is given. This provides a common solution for multimodeand this is very suitable for ubiquitous computing with several resources and environments. Thisstudy indicates a more effectively organized structure for symmetric-key block ciphers to improve theirapplication scenarios. We can get that it is flexible in modern communication applications.


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